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More Gold and Silver for Your Money

Global economic uncertainty is making the investor wonder how to best prepare their portfolio. That makes now a crucial time in deciding whether to add a chaos hedge to your portfolio, and figure out the most cost-effective way to do it.

Gold has broached the $2,000 level once more, and with further U.S. dollar weakness on the horizon, this may be the last time gold and silver are obtainable at these price levels. 

The protection of precious metals is more important than ever. The Perth Mint offers the very best physical gold and silver options for the current situation, just as they have for over 25 years.

Today, there are more options than ever to buy, trade, and store your precious metals with The Perth Mint in Perth, Australia.


Back in 1997, ASI and The Perth Mint teamed up to create the groundbreaking Perth Mint Certificate Program (PMCP) with the goal of streamlining how customers invest in gold, silver, and platinum and making it more affordable than ever with the world’s only government-guaranteed precious metals investment and storage solution. It’s still one of the best ways to own precious metals today.

ASI and The Perth Mint have also partnered to bring you the world’s most affordable and flexible way to buy, sell, store, and deliver gold, silver, and platinum online. With 24/7 access, the Perth Mint Depository Distributor Online (PMDDO) is the other best way to make the most of your precious metals investment in 2023.

PMDDO caters to your investment needs by offering 24/7 access where you can manage your account on your own time, see live pricing, and buy and sell precious metals at any time of day. Because your account is entirely online, you are able to see the value of your holdings in real-time—which means you don't have to manually calculate their value on your own.

If you haven’t already, take control of your asset allocation with all the benefits of the PMCP or PMDDO.

The Perth Mint Certificate Program offers clients the peace of mind to invest and store gold, silver, and platinum with multiple options fully backed by physical metal, all under the unique S&P AAA rated government guarantee for both personal and IRA funds. For over 40 years, ASI’s client representatives have been happy to help investors like yourself in buying and selling precious metals.

Whether you are a long-time client who already holds Perth Mint Certificates, or someone who is new to both programs, we don’t want to see you miss out on a real opportunity. The time is now to act before precious metals prices gain momentum in this volatile economic landscape.


You can act to own gold, silver, and platinum now. If you want to make sure that your wealth is protected, then these are the best ways to obtain precious metals without exorbitant premiums in the current environment.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to call 800-831-0007 or email us. Learn more about how you can take advantage of the lo