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27 All-Time Highs This Year

That’s right.

Gold has set new all-time highs twenty-seven times this year, as of Tuesday’s close. And it is just getting started.

Gold prices are up over 27% in 2024… outpacing the S&P 500 which is up 20.8% this year.

For the millennium, the numbers are even more dramatic. Since December 31st, 1999, the S&P 500 is up a respectable 517%. But gold? Gold is up 811%!


And nobody reading this should be surprised.

I have been banging the drum on gold for several years now.

I have heard countless times how gold at all-time highs is ripe for a correction. I have spoken with clients and potential clients who were waiting for that “inevitable” pullback to make their purchases.

I have answered each and every time with two simple, but clear statements…

“Gold at all-time highs is dirt cheap.”

“Silver at half of all-time highs is even cheaper.”

If you have been waiting for the pullback to buy gold and silver only to see prices climb higher… break that cycle now.

There are a number of very strong reasons for gold and silver to go much higher in price from here…

  • Chairman Powell and the Federal Reserve cannot solve inflation with interest rate manipulation.
  • Congress has no desire to balance the budget, so inflation – the expansion of the money supply – will most certainly lead to higher gold and silver prices.
  • Central banks continue to shed U.S. dollars for gold in their official reserves.
  • Global turmoil in the Middle East, Europe, and Asia continues to fuel safe haven demand for gold.

Further, neither presidential candidate will do anything to reduce our unfunded liabilities. They have both pledged to sacrifice the strength of the U.S. dollar and the strength of our economy so as not to lose votes in this election.

Unfortunately, unless serious thought is given to reducing social security, Medicare, and pension promises for the future, our $35+ trillion debt will never diminish. It will only grow.

And with debt servicing costs in excess of what we spend on national defense, the bankruptcy of the United States is all but guaranteed.

Make no mistake. Gold and silver prices are going higher.

It is simple…

perth gold bars

Our Congress spends more money each year than it receives in revenue. Rather than default, the Federal Reserve expands the money supply. With more U.S. dollars in circulation chasing a finite number of goods and services, the prices of everything must rise.

And yes… that includes gold and silver.

I said it four years ago. I will say it again now…

“Gold at all-time highs is dirt cheap.”

“Silver at half of all-time highs is even cheaper.”

I am as convinced as ever that those who are waiting for the big pullback to buy their gold and silver are completely mistaken.

Buying gold and silver today is the very best way I know to preserve your purchasing power… to Keep What’s Yours!

If you do not have the money to do so… find it. Consider looking here…

  • Take profits in stocks.
  • Pool funds with family members or friends.
  • Purchase with Individual Retirement Account (IRA) funds.
  • Do without something else that is significantly less important to the future well-being of you and your family.

Our government is letting us all down. Both parties are at fault. They have bankrupted our country to buy votes. They have made promises they cannot keep on both side of the aisle for decades, just to stay in power.

The bill is coming due.

It is beyond time to take matters into your own hands. Take control of your future. Become your own central bank today.

Buy gold and silver early and often. Each day you delay comes with a cost.

Give Asset Strategies International a call today at 1-800-831-0007 or visit to view live pricing and products.